40 Funny USB Drive Names That Will Make Everyone Laugh
So you want a clever name for your USB stick, huh?
We all know that coming up with funny or memorable names is important, but it can be difficult to do this on your own. After all, you want something that will stick in your mind, but you don’t want to be unoriginal or too cheesy!
In our article, you will find a variety of funny and interesting names that you can use as inspiration to create your own unique naming scheme for your next USB flash drive.
Reasons To Rename USB Flash Drives with Funny Names
Naming your USB drives is a great way to add more personality and creativity to them, and it’s also a good way to keep track of them.
Funny USB Names can make your flash drives more memorable.
There are many reasons to name the USB flash drives instead of calling them generically like drive D or flash disk.
People name their flash drives with funny names because they want something that will stand out from the pack and they also want to choose a name that will make them laugh.
Naming a USB drive makes it more personal and may also be a great ice breaker when you lend the drive to a friend or colleague.
When you can make people laugh, they will remember you for it and they will be more likely to do business with you in the future.
How to Name a USB Flash Drive?
There is no right or wrong way to name your USB flash drives, but there are some naming conventions that work better on some drives than on others.
You can name your USB drive anything you want, but the length of the name usually has to be within reason.
If it is too long, then they will not fit properly in Windows Explorer or on your desktop.
Names that are too long can also be difficult to read in certain applications when you are trying to show them to someone.
You usually want to keep your USB names short but clever and witty. You also want to try to have fun when you are choosing the name, so the name will stick in your head and in your friend’s heads.
We have created a list of funny USB names Ideas for you to take inspiration from, or if you need a little help, we have included some USB name generators.
40 Funny USB Names Ideas – List of Ideas to Inspire Your Creativity
Many people are searching for USB name generators online but can’t find good ones. Don’t worry, we are here to help you with your creative USB naming process.
We have thought of a list of funny and creative USB names. Take a few moments to look through them and you will find some ideas that will inspire your creativity.
Here is a complete list:
1. Agent 00Sexy – This is a funny name for someone who looks really good and has that sexy touch.
2. All Your Data – If you want your USB drive to say exactly what it does, then this would be one of the perfect Nerdy flash drive names.
3. The Knuckle Dragger – If you want to make a cute and catchy USB name then this would be an excellent choice.
4. Poopy Head – If you want to name your flash drive as something that is dirty and funny then this would be the ideal choice.
5. Ba-dink-a-donk – This is a fun name that will make you smile when you see it.
6. Bad Santa – If you want to give someone a Christmas present, then this is the perfect name for your USB drive.
7. Buns of Steal – If you want to share a photo with your friend and tell them that they’re hot, then this is the perfect name to choose.
8. Pinky McPowerPants – This is a fun title that will certainly garner your friend’s attention.
9. Billy Mays Here – If you want to name your drive after one of the best TV pitchmen ever, then this is a perfect choice.
10. PIZZA – Wouldn’t it be funny when you say give me the PIZZA to the person who has this flash drive?
11. Open Me Please – This is a great name for a USB flash drive because it will make people smile when they see it.
12. Peek-a-Boo – Isn’t this name cute for a USB flash drive?
13. Pimpin – If you want to make your drive stand out from the rest, then this is a great choice.
14. Secrets – This is a great name for anyone who has something to hide.
15. The Almighty USB – This is a great name for someone who puts God before all else and it’s also a great icebreaker.
16. Tuna Fish Sandwich – Don’t you think this is the perfect name for someone who always orders tuna fish sandwiches?
17. Weekend Forecast – If you are looking for a funny USB name that is also accurate, then this is a perfect choice.
18. Sex It Up – This funny USB name is perfect for all of your naughty photos and videos.
19. Billie Jean – This is a great name for anyone who loves Michael Jackson.
20. Fix It Felix – If you love the movie “Wreck It Ralph” then this is a great name to choose.
21. Bomb – If you like explosions, then this would be a good choice for you.
22. That’s What She Said – This is a fun name for anyone who uses this phrase all the time.
23. Fatty – This is a funny way to tease someone about their weight.
24. VIRUS WARNING – This is a good way to warn people not to open their USB drives.
25. NUDITY – If you want a name that will make people laugh, then this would be a good choice.
26. Not Safe for Work – If you want to warn people that what’s on your drive is not appropriate for work, then this would be a good choice.
27. Danger Ahead – Funny way to warn people that there is danger ahead.
28. Our Love is Forever – This would be a great name for your significant other if you want their drive to be more personal.
29. Password Protected – This is a great clever USB name for your password-protected drive to make sure people don’t try to open it.
30. F*** Off – This is an easy name for anyone who you use this phrase all the time and knows what it means. Yes, it is more of a bad word used to say freaking off.
31. Big Judy – This is an interesting name for for flash drive that is very big in size.
32. Bangarang – This is a fun name for you to use if you are a fan of the movie “The Descendants”.
33. Batman – If you love Batman, then this would be the perfect name.
34. Big Johnson – This is a funny and dirty name that will make people laugh when they see it
35. Best Butt-erfly Ever – The word “butt” does not need to be censored when talking about USB flash drives because they aren’t real people.
36. Male organ – The male organ is well known for its many talents, so why not name your flash drive after it?
37. Wormhole – This is a cool name for anyone who loves to travel through space and time.
38. Beer Me – This is a funny name that you can use if your friends love to drink and party all the time.
39. Bill Cipher – This is a unique name that works well in office environments.
40. Chubby Cheeks – This is a cute and funny USB name that you can use if you want to share something with a friend discreetly.
Final Thoughts!
There is no right or wrong way to name your USB drive. Just make sure that the name you choose for your USB drive makes people smile so they will remember your name. After reading this article you will need to look for flash drive names reddit or elsewhere.
If you have any other funny USB drive names to add to the list, please feel free to share them in the comments section.
We would love to hear your input and we will be sure to add it to the list as soon as possible.